> From: Hal V. Engel [mailto:hven...@gmail.com]
> snip
> >       Property /engines/engine[0]/mp-inhg is already defined.
> >       Property /engines/engine/oil-temperature-degf is already defined.
> >       Property /controls/fuel/tank-selector is already defined.
> >       Property /controls/engines/engine/throttle is already defined.
> >       Property ap/ap_map_hold is already defined.
> >       Property ap/throttle-cmd-norm is already defined.
> The above happen when I forward declare these in the JSBSIm xml files
> to avoid messages like the next message.
> > FGPropertyManager::GetNode() No node found for ap/map-error
> >   In condition: ap/map-error LT 0.0. Unknown property ap/map-error
> > referenced. Creating property.  Check usage.
> > Failed to tie property ap/throttle-cmd-out to object methods
> > Failed to tie property ap/cooling-cmd-out to object methods
> I don't know why the "Failed to tie.." messages are happening.  The two
> above are from two jsbsim autopilots that are part of the engine control
> systems.
> One is for the auto manifold pressure system and the second is for the
> automatic coolant temperature controls. Both systems work in spite of
> messages.  I would like to eliminate these messages.  Can someone give
> me a clue what to look for?


Some time ago we (I) added some checks to prevent problems with config files
due to spelling errors. Sometimes things can get misspelled and there is no
warning to the user, nor any obvious ill effects. The way that the property
system is supposed to work (to my recollection) is that it should not matter
in which order properties are declared, and when a property is encountered
that has not been referenced before, the property is simply created. This is
both useful and dangerous, as we have seen.

So, what we did to try and prevent problems is to notify the user when a
property is being defined that has already been defined, or when a property
is referenced that has not been created.

Unfortunately, it can be problematic when a property is created on the
FlightGear side, but used in the JSBSim side, if one wants to use the
aircraft model in both FlightGear and in standalone JSBSim - or in another
simulation architecture (which would not have nasal support, FWIW).

The system we have set up for handling presumed property creation problems
probably is not perfect, and it can be excessively wordy. We might find a
way to suppress the messages, but I'd want to take another look at them and
make sure I understand why the messages are being shown. Some of them don't
look harmless.


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