On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:
> So what happens if I'm messing around with my "WildCrazyIdea-I-WantToTry"
> branch over lunch, and suddenly I get a phone call and have to jump back to
> doing something serious with FlightGear and need to quickly switch back to
> my "RealWork" branch.
> Do I have to commit my "CrazyIdea" branch changes --- no matter what
> intermediate state of weirdness they are in --- before I can switch back to
> the RealWork branch?
If you want git to take care of switching these files, then yes,
you'll need to commit them to some branch. I'm not familiar with this
stashing option. What I'd do is either commit the changes to the
current branch - or, in case the changes are just too experimental and
I really don't want to modify the current branch, I just create a new
branch "git checkout crazyidea". The new branch is identical to the
former current branch then. So I can just add&commit the experimental
changes to the new "crazyidea" branch and then switch back to the
former working branch - or to some other stable branch... And you can
always remove the "crazyidea" branch again - if the idea turns out not
to be so good after all, or you just wanted something temporary.


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