On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:22 PM, Michael Sgier <scrat_h...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Those crappy pirates are going on my nerves....Why not add some convoluted 
> code to display:
> Flightgear.org fly free
> or alike at various in game stages? Should not be that complicated?

It would be better would be to release a new version and publicise the release.

This means press release to Flight Simulator magazines, twit it, rave
about it on facebook, create videos on youtube.

Yes, i know we (collectively) have been doing that anyway, but this is
more effective than relying on the slime balls deciding to upgrade to
the latest version. let's do our bet to outmarket them. There is
probably more of us than them.

Note: they could be reading this and associated emails now.



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