Hello folks,
Could I ask if any one has had FG or for that matter any app on a linux box
running in a ramdisk environment with no Hd? Why, its fast to boot, fast to
run, and means no harddisks, everything is preconfigured on boot, rather
good for FG systems with multiple networked linux boxes especialy if motion
is involved as HDs dont like it very much.
What I am trying to achieve is a net boot from a server from the MB bios
resulting in a minimal but normal working linux system (in my case suse11.3)
in ram. To explain a bit,
I use this method for system installs, and its dead simple and fast, the
server runs DHCPD, TFTP, and NFS, and has the install media (files from DVD)
in a directory
The empty box boots, gets an ip from dhcpd, gets the kernel and initrd from
PXE/TFTP, the installs via NFS. No floppies DVDS or sticks and its much
faster than using a dvd let alone the time to burn one.
Basicaly I need to do is make a special initrd to build a ramdisk, populate
its file system with the required files to support the video and MB
hardware, FG and TWM. The FG start script gets (copies in) the config files
specific to that box via NFS.
This type of approach is common in the embeded linux world, but so far I
have not found a project embeding a normal linux distribution into a normal
MB ramdisk but there must be one on the internet somewhere?
Its not really an FG issue, however I only want to use the box for FG and
supporting programs. and it could be of use to other FG users.
Finally the question, has any one been this road before ? Any thoughts,
advice, warnings, recomendations, pitfalls to avoid would be apreciated
before I get to far down the road!
Regards Harry
Sanur, Bali
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