
I just pushed a new instrument to "next": we now have a TCAS device.
It's a new module providing aural alerts for conflicting traffic. It's
also able to drive TCAS displays, since aircrafts' threat-levels are
exposed to the property tree. The existing wxradar instrument is
updated accordingly, and now has an option to display traffic in
TCAS-style (colorful diamonds/circles showing the traffic's
threat-level). The TCAS is implemented in the FG core and requires
minimal performance - so should be fine even at busy airports.

And it works with AI and multiplayer traffic. As expected, AI pilots
are well-trained, so they always respect TCAS advisories: when you get
a "climb! climb!" alert in your cockpit, you'll also see conflicting
AI planes dive to safety (or vice versa). And since you're a
responsible pilot, I trust you'll also know what to do... :)

There's more info on its features and installation in the wiki:

I've tried to stick as close as possible - well... reasonable :) - to
the TCAS II standard. The traffic detector shouldn't be too far off.
However, I've simplified the advisory code a bit. A TCAS II only
provides vertical advisories (so it's either up or down...), but
there's still a long list of variations and exceptions in the
standard. Also, determining/predicting an optimal evasive movement for
conflicting aircraft isn't always easy. Well, should be good enough
for most situations as it is now. I might still add a few more
advisories later - as well as improve the MP support.

The TCAS and new display is already installed on the 777 now. And the
cockpit is also extended with an ATC/TCAS panel (more switches!) -
huge thanks to Syd Adams for another nice modeling job! A good area
for test flying the TCAS is EHAM - with lots of AI traffic. Give the
AI pilots a hard time by interfering with their nicely aligned
approach sequence.

The default TCAS voice samples in fgdata are temporary stubs only
(artificial voice). Hopefully we can replace them by more realistic
sound samples soon. But you can also provide custom voice samples for
an aircraft (which is also possible for the GPWS now, see "GPWS" in
the wiki).

Hope the new instrument works for everyone (well, Hudson compiled
it!). And hopefully this won't trigger a new multi-player sport
(proximity flying to trigger TCAS alerts) - otherwise just use the
"ignore pilot" buttons.
Fly safe!


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