On 07.03.2011 22:49, Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
> I'm getting results with Arduino and FGFS, at least in a Linux
> environment, that's good. But I will just shortly mention there's
> something broken in the Windows binaries.
You mentioned using "\n" as a line separator in an earlier email. One 
common source of trouble when moving between Windows and Linux (or Mac) 
are line feed issues. Maybe the fgfs parser is confused by the encoding 
it gets from your port/driver. Windows uses "CR LF" (\r\n) as a line 
feed, Linux/Mac uses "LF" only (\n). A serial port can be configured to 
convert the line feed encoding, i.e. Linux may convert "CR LF" to "LF", 
a Windows driver may do the opposite. I remember configuring (disabling) 
this auto-conversion property for a serial port years ago - when I used 
python for an RS232 interface on Windows and Linux. fgfs probably 
expects "\n" only - even when running on Windows. Just an idea. Other 
than that: I have no idea... ;-)


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