Thanks Eric,

I shall play with this later tonight.

So just to clarify my understanding, on the 737NG600 model I would add this
code to the fdm config?

That being the aircrafts 738.xml file rather than the 736-set file.

I assume this means the gear/gear-cmd-norm property will be writable and the
rudder values will be ignored.

I expect i will have to do a bit of coding to get it all nice but thats ok
as long as have control of the properties.

On  a sepaarte topic, but you recall my questions about sound and slaves?
Since then I have added a couple of extra menus to the gui sound (and
properties) for two slaves, Then added them to the gui network io stream,
now I can run the nav effects, on the slave machines totally under control
from the master. Thus bring the sound chips on the slave PC to use.

I will put it up on my FG webpage with other multi machine FG setup notes i
have made.shortly, as its really only of interest to sim builders I guess.


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Erik Hofman <> wrote:

> On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 13:53 +0700, Harry Campigli wrote:
> >
> > I have searched high and low in aircraft xml,s and the property tree
> > for the linkage definition between the rudder pedals and the steering
> > in JBsim with a view to interfacing a ground nose wheel steering
> > system.
> >
> > But I cant find it any where except in Yasim models?
> I just use either surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm or
> gear/gear[0]/steering-norm to animate the nose gear steering since they
> are interconnected for most cases anyway.
> For a more fancy steering behavior (for example less steering at higher
> speeds) you can add a steering channel to toe configuration files like
> this:
>         <channel name="Landing Gear">
>            <switch name="fcs/gear-wow">
>                <default value="0"/>
>                <test logic="AND" value="1">
>                    gear/unit[1]/WOW eq 1
>                    gear/unit[2]/WOW eq 1
>                </test>
>            </switch>
>            <kinematic name="fcs/gear-control">
>                <input>gear/gear-cmd-norm</input>
>                <traverse>
>                    <setting>
>                        <position>0</position>
>                        <time>0</time>
>                    </setting>
>                    <setting>
>                        <position>1</position>
>                        <time>5</time>
>                    </setting>
>                </traverse>
>                <output>gear/gear-pos-norm</output>
>            </kinematic>
>            <scheduled_gain name="fcs/scheduled-steer-pos-deg">
>                <input>fcs/steer-cmd-norm</input>
>                <table>
>                    <independentVar>velocities/vg-fps</independentVar>
>                    <tableData>
>                        10.0        80.0
>                        50.0        15.0
>                        150.0       2.0
>                    </tableData>
>                </table>
>                <output>fcs/steer-pos-deg</output>
>            </scheduled_gain>
>        </channel>
> Erik
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