From: <cas...@mminternet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 3:57 PM
To: "FlightGear developers discussions" 
Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Calculating  free stick position and forces

> Ok,  here are a couple of thoughts on improving the elevator model; as
> always comments and suggestions are welcome, flames will be ignored
> @ line 220 or so  of FGAerodynamics add:
> alphat = alpha + tailincidence - downwash;  // alpha fro the tail
> for now we'll assume no flying tails just a normal hinged elevator, so the
> incidence is fixed and specified in the aircraft xml file.  To calculate
> the downwash we use the following formula
> downwash = 2 * CL(wing) / (pi * AR)
> where AR is the aspect ratio of (cbar*cbar)/Sw, but cbar is actually a
> variable dependent on the wing/flap configuration; so we need to
> recalculate cbar whenever the configuration changes and, at some point,
> we'll need to consider any delta cbar as a time dependent variable based
> on flap extension/retraction rates.
> Obtaining CL and pi is trivial, so the task at hand is the best way to
> calculate the aspect ratio - something that only has to happen when the
> wing configuration changes.
> So once we have the alpha at the tail and assuming a trim tab set to some
> value the stick free elevator (aka floating) becomes
> elev_float = - ((b1*alphat + b3*trim)/b2*elevator) * alphat
> where b1 = (partial) Ch with respect to (partial) alphat
> and
> b2 = (partial) Ch with respect to (partial) elevator
> and
> b3 = partial Ch with respect to (partial) trim
> All that remains is to calculate the elevator balance position where Cm =
> 0; i.e., steady state flight aka a trimmed aircraft or
> elev_float = elev_balance
> I'll stop here for now.  The next set of calcs would be to determine the
> control force gradient to apply to the stick as it is moved from the
> neutral (or zero stick force location).
> Regards
> John

I applaud what you are trying to do but would caution at using such a gross 
simplification for downwash, which is a very complicated thing to estimate. 
(see the literature)
Perhaps downwash and hinge force calculations should be the subject of a 
section in the xml aerodynamics file so that they can be tailored on a 
per-aircraft basis.


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