On 31.03.2011 17:01, Robert wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to share some thoughts with you on how we can improve the 
> replay system.
> Right now only the last minute is recorded at full precision. After 
> that minute we get a precision of 1 fps. And after 10 minutes we get a 
> precision of 1 frame per 10 seconds (please correct me. this number 
> may be wrong).
> Streaming the replay data to the hard disc drive always at full precision.
Streaming data to disc would be nice - but should be optional and not be 
enabled by default. It would also be nice to have an option to save a 
recorded instant replay buffer (when you haven't enabled the 
stream-to-disc feature earlier).

I can't comment on the different interpolation methods. But what would 
also help is to change the recording scheme:
Currently the valuesof a fixed set of properties is recorded at each 
frame. However, most properties rarely change. Only the a/c position and 
speed properties tend to change in every frame. Properties like gear 
position and control surfaces are almost constant (from frame to frame). 
So, it might be a good idea to record all properties in an interval of a 
few seconds only, while only recording properties that have actually 
changed with every frame. That should allow to drastically reduce the 
amount of recorded data - and allow much longer high resolution memory 
recordings. And you could still fast-forward within the buffer, since 
you'll have a complete set of properties every now and then. It's a 
simple but effective compression method which is used in many areas.

It would also be nice to support recording of custom properties. We 
already have a similar solution for multiplayer mode. If the replay 
system recorded the same properties configured in the "aircraft-set.xml" 
(the "generic" int/float/string properties), it would mean a nice 
improvement. It would also have other advantages, such as allowing 
simple tests of an aircraft's multiplayer configuration.

> p.s. I also thought that it woud be nice if the nearest tower would be 
> automatically computed in replays (as it is done in x-plane), so you 
> don't have to enter the airport code every time.
Indeed. That feature would also be nice for "normal flight". I never 
understood why the tower view sticks to the initial airport. Switching 
to the "departure airport's tower view" doesn't make much sense after a 
long distance flight. A general "use nearest tower" option would be nice.

I don't think anyone is working in these areas right now. So if you are 
(or anyone else is) interested on working on these, let us know.


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