
On Wednesday, April 13, 2011 11:52:30 Durk Talsma wrote:
> Oh, and just hitting the "send" button a little too early, I had wanted to
> add that Martin Spott pointed me that the possibilities of using the new
> HLA layer for this purpose. I'm currently not familiar with HLA myself to
> comment on that though, so I'm just passing this on.
That is actually my next thing to try.

Currently my time went into a hla/rti that is actually easy to use. Something 
that in the easiest case is not even noticable that it runs below. So there is 
some work left on that topic. It took me longer than expected. Actually my 
personal factor of about 2 for underestimating programming effort showed up 
again :)

Major benefits would be to move the AI code out of the main loop - may be even 
into a seperate process/thread. Also runnig one instance of tha AI traffic for 
installations like we used to have at the linux tag booth would be a major 
advantage there.

So, yes, building up something here ...


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