Am 22.05.11 14:37, schrieb ThorstenB:
> Hi,
> since there were no major objections to the release plan, we're
> proceeding as proposed.
> Current status:
> * We've "officially grounded" the releases/2.2.0 git branches yesterday.
> The flightgear/simgear "releases/2.2.0" branches were merged back to
> "master" (not "next"! "master" always contains the latest release).
> However, as proposed, we won't invest any more time into 2.2.0, so
> there'll be no binaries on the download page, no updated aircraft
> downloads, no announcements, etc.
> * git/next is bumped to version 2.3.0 now. Actually we should have done
> so when we branched releases/2.2.0 in January. Remember. it's odd minor
> versions for the developer version now (git/next), even minor numbers
> for releases.
> * Hudson is prepared for providing release binaries and installers
> (thanks James!). Once we create a new release branch, Hudson should
> start building the binaries/installers (see Hudson's "Windows-release",
> "Mac-release", "Linux-release" projects). As usual, these will be
> updated hourly. We'll also provide complete Win/Mac installers
> (including fgdata base package) regularly, maybe about weekly, so these
> can be used for wider beta testing. We can't include the base package in
> the _hourly_ installers though, due to bandwidth/size limits (almost
> 400MB for the fgdata base package).
> * We also started assessing tracker issues (thanks Gijs!). Some were
> already fixed in the last days. And it doesn't look too bad, few issues
> are highly critical. However, there are some areas where we're missing
> people, for example for some (new) FDM, and a number of ATI-graphics
> issues. Have a look at the tracker:
> Finally, as a reminder now:
> Only 4 more weeks to 2.4.0 feature freeze, remember June 17th, when
> we'll close sg+fg "next" branch, and (!) fgdata "master" for 4 weeks.
> Only bug fixes should be committed after June 17th.
> releases/2.4.0 will be branched on July 17th, when the main developer
> branches will be bumped to 2.5.0 and reopen for new features. Beta
> testing for 2.4.0 will continue for another month after that, till
> August 17th. But all this was already described in the release plan
> cheers,
> Thorsten
> On Do, 2011-05-19 at 14:29 +0200, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> during this year's LinuxTag, Martin Spott, Mathias Fröhlich, Thorsten Brehm
>> and myself developed a strategy and a concept about how to kick out new
>> releases of FlightGear on a regular schedule.
>> Please find our first draft here:
>> For the impatient reader, this is the abstract:
>> We plan to have two releases per year, one in February, one in August. The
>> first scheduled release following this concept will be 2.4.0 in August this
>> year, 2.6.0 is scheduled for February 2012.
>> If no major objections arise, we will set the version number on the current
>> development stream to 2.3.0 and will call out a "feature freeze" on June 
>> 17th.
>> Any comment and certainly any help for actually preparing the release is
>> welcome.
>> Thanks, Torsten

Can you please update with this 
very important information ? Something like a short description of 
current state ?

Thanks a lot, Yves

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