
you'll find the verified .parking.xml files for the five said
airports here:

What I did:
Opened the airports from apt.dat.gz of fgdata (recent git version) into
a recent version of TaxiDraw (mapserver/git). Imported the ground net
from the same fgdata, Scenery/Airports directories, and then used the
tool to verify it. At each airport I had to mark some nodes which were
placed on runways but not marked as such. I marked all of them even
those that were on the runway but beyond the threshold, see KHAF[1] as
an example.

What I didn't:
Verifying anything else such as parking positions and radio
frequencies, just because I don't have a reference for them.

Hopefully this was how it was meant to be. ;-)
At least parking positions were recognised, besides KSFO I didn't get
any AI aircraft, though. At KSFO the planes weren't stacked anymore.

The network at KSFO is a total mess. There are routes where there is no
taxiway at all and some of the routes are not well aligned with the
underlying taxiway[2]. Besides some little experience with groundnet I
have no clue about the ai-system. I might have a closer look at it in
the upcoming days, though.


[1] http://fgfs.beggabaur.de/daten/KHAF_Taxidraw.jpg
[2] http://fgfs.beggabaur.de/daten/KSFO.parking.jpg

Thu, 9 Jun 2011 11:41:41 +0200 Durk Talsma <durkt...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Alex,
> On 09 Jun 2011, at 11:21, Alex B. wrote:
> Basically, verifying the files would entail loading them into a
> recent version of taxidraw, selecting the "verify groundnetwork
> option" and correcting any errors indicated. Then they can be
> resaved. If you decide to do this, please ensure to send a copy to
> the updated files to me, so I can upload them to the terrasync
> repository. 
> Cheers,
> durk

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