On Wednesday, July 27, 2011 03:30:06 PM Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've got a small patch to improve the FG forests, along with some
> particularly bad C++ I need advice on.
> The patch does the following:
> 1) Fixes the longstanding bug where the first set of tree definitions
> in a tile were used for all forests within that tile. This meant that
> if you have an area of deciduous forest next to some evergreen, you'd
> only see one type of tree or the other, depending on which was loaded
> first.
> 2) Re-introduce a feature to fade in trees by distance, so that a
> reduced density is visible at 2*tree-range-m, with full density at
> tree-range-m. As the default tree-range-m is 8km, this help stop
> forests "springing up" well after the rest of the tile is perfectly
> visible.
> On my machine I don't see any performance impact, despite the fact
> that more trees are displayed. I'd appreciate it if those with more
> graphics-constrained systems than my own would test this and let me
> know if they think the frame-rate hit is acceptable given the
> improvements in apparent tree coverage.
> I'd also be interested to hear if tree range is a performance issue in
> general and people would like control of it in a similar way to the 3D
> clouds distance slider (if anyone uses that!).
> The patch is available from http://www.nanjika.co.uk/flightgear/forest.diff
> If I have time I'll do battle with git and see if I can submit it via
> gitorious properly...
> Now, for the bad C++ :)
> Within the patch is the code below. The (*j)-> just looks ugly. Surely
> there's a better way?
> I'm sure those of you who write C++ more regularly than me will
> immediately be able to tell me where I'm going wrong!
> -Stuart
>       TreeBin* treebin;
>      SGTreeBinList::iterator j;
>       bool found = false;
>       for (j = randomForest.begin(); (j != randomForest.end()) && (!found);
> j++) {
>         if (((*j)->texture           == mat->get_tree_texture()  ) &&
>             ((*j)->texture_varieties == mat->get_tree_varieties()) &&
>             ((*j)->range             == mat->get_tree_range()    ) &&
>             ((*j)->width             == mat->get_tree_width()    ) &&
>             ((*j)->height            == mat->get_tree_height()   )   ) {
>             treebin = *j;
>             found = true;
>         }
>       }

It appears that SGTreeBinList is a list of pointers to some structure.  If 
that is the case then you need to dereference two pointers to get stuff from 
the structure since the iterator, j, is a pointer.  Thus you get *j->texture - 
*j dereferences j and -> dereferences the pointer pointed to by j.  I don't 
think that you gain anything by writing this as (*j)->texture since this is 
basically the same thing as *j->texture.  IMO *j->texture is easier to read.

But there is one minor and very common issue with the code that should be 
fixed.  In the for loop

for (..; ..;  j++)

should be 

for (..; ..; ++j)

if you use j++ the compiler has to make a copy of j with each iteration of the 
loop but if you use ++j it does not have to make a copy.  This will make the 
loop more efficient although only by a small amount. 

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