Following the report of a Forum user, I've just tested ridge lift near
Innsbruck with the ASK-13 with a recent (yesterday) GIT binary. It appears
to me that ridge lift is indeed broken in the sense that the number
computed and visible under /environment/ridge-lift-fps is fine, but the
FDM doesn't react to it - despite +15 fps being displayed in the property
browser, my ASK-13 was actually sinking. I've tried both Local Weather and
Global Weather - didn't actually make any difference to my findings.

The same user reported that the old-style AI scenario thermals don't work
either - I have not tested that, but could it be that in the current
environment code just /environment/wind-from-down-fps is used, but not
/enviroment/thermal-lift-fps and /environment/ridge-lift-fps?

I don't know if future support for AI scenario thermals is something we'd
want, but ridge lift is definitely something worth having, and I'd like to
know if I should incorporate in Local Weather (with fast elevation-probing
routines on the horizon, something that looks like it can be done) or if
the implementation we had in 2.0 should stay.


* Thorsten

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