On Fri, 7 Oct 2011, Alan Teeder wrote:

> I am also having problems in this area.
> If you look at the time dependant filters they use a very simple code 
> which easily explains the problem.  It would be much better to use the 
> Tustin substitution which is practically guaranteed to be stable, and is 
> used in real life autopilots. However these run at fixed framerates.

That should be no problem as the autopilot in FG should be running at a 
fixed framrate (/sim/model-hz) these days. That is, fixed in simulated 
time, which is all that should matter.

(As an aside our time management is still pretty messy and lots of things 
that ought to use simulated time seems to be using real time instead - try 
increasing the simulation rate and see how many virtual things that do 
not speed up...)


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/

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