On 17 Oct 2011, at 18:38, Curtis Olson wrote:

> Would it be possible to write a quick "howto" for doing some basic 
> coding/developer things in cmake.  Like: "how to add a new source file to the 
> project."  Or "how to add a new module/library to the project".    Maybe a 
> few quick summeries of "how to install in a custom directory", how to build 
> with custom compiler options, how to configure for debug vs. release build, 
> or some the more subtle build options that invoke different levels of 
> optimizations or warnings.  

I've written this up, at least a first attempt, will commit it later today, and 
people can review it for sanity / correctness / omissions :)

> Either that, or our cmake experts need to be willing and ready to respond to 
> frustrated "dumb" questions in a timely manner -- and do that over time if we 
> don't have central place to find this information without investing the 
> required time to become cmake experts ourselves.

I'm assuming that's true regardless :)

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