> This is exactly the "deal" which I think you are rather hurting yourself
> with. I allege, that contributers of planes are not looking to make a
> deal with you, at least I would not.

First, you're talking to the wrong person. I'm not Thorsten B, I am
Thorsten R, and I do not represent the core developers, nor do I have any
sorts of commit rights, I just take some time to explain something to you
which seems pretty obvious to me.

Second, if you do not wish to make the deal, then don't. End of story. No
need for your rants. There are excellent planes without GPL license around
(the Tu-154b comes to mind), the development is well respected, I don't
see the problem. Obviously people can and do contribute that way.

> What you are offering them, is what *every* contributor should be
> entitled to in the first place.

*shrugs* I'm a contributor, I just contribute a different thing (weather)
which isn't so easily separable from the core. So - I need to talk to
people, work together with others, accomodate structure constraints all
the time. I can't usually decide to structure things in a certain way - I
propose changes, they get discussed, sometimes implemented, sometimes not.

You feel you are entitled to more because you do other development?
Apparently yes...

> "You only get to be on our download page if you surrender your autonomy
> to us"?

Yes. Seems pretty obvious to me. I work at a university, so I get access
to the university webpages. Someone else doesn't, so he doesn't get to be
on the university page. If I misuse my access to university webpages, I
see it revoked. Me being able to send emails from a university address
gives me mroe credibility than a yahoo address - that's some bonus. Where
precisely is the problem?

You work for the Flightgear project, your work gets promoted by the
Flightgear webpage. You work for Cedric Sodhi, your work gets promoted by
Cedric Sodhi.

> What are you trying to achieve? Do you really think anyone would readily
> change their mind to rather publish their plane as GPL, although they'd
> prefer not to, and give up their autonomy, although they'd prefer not
> to, to get a "goodie" from you?

Frankly, I don't particularly care about that aspect. People who want to
publish with a different license can do so, see above, end of story. For
me, fairness is an issue. If one single person on the official project
page doesn't get to keep control of his work, then no one should. It's a
decision the project has made a long time ago, I entered it knowing that
this is how it works, it has worked well.

> Again, I can't help it but wonder what image you have in mind when you
> accuse those, who voluntarily make planes for Flightgear, of "taking
> from you but not giving back".

Oh, but you're not talking here about people who make planes 'for
Flightgear'. For people who make planes 'for Flightgear' the implication
is that the planes will be given out of their hands because Flightgear is

You're talking here about people who make planes as addons which rely on
Flightgear - a rather different beast. Please, let's be very clear about

We may speculate why people choose not to publish under GPL. One reason
might be that they can't because they have used material that isn't GPL
compatible. Another may simply be ego, or fame as you put it. Either is
fine with me, people can do that, but it's not 'part of Flightgear' or
'for Flightgear', because Flightgear is GPL.

Taking your argument a bit further, you'd also include FlightProSim into
the group working 'for Flightgear' because they do something relying on
the Flightgear code? Or if not, just when is it 'for Flightgear' in your

> Your desire to patronize the other developers may be more fit for core
> and code development, but the development of planes differs
> substantially from that of the core: Planes are contributed modularily,
> have no strong interaction amonst eachother and can thus be contributed
> freely, as in the freedom to contribute or not.

It's a bit tiresome to point out again that you have the complete freedom
to do whatever you like with your plane, but that you don't have the
freedom to use the Flightgear page for it.

Basically, the reason an idea called 'equality'. It's been around since
the French Revolution.

Just because there's a technical infrastructure which would allow us to be
unequal we don't have to be - it still remains ethically wrong. It'd be
easy to ask people to pay 1000 $ before they can cast a vote. Election
results would be very different then - but does that mean we should we do

In essence you're saying that because it is technically possible for you
to exercise more freedom rights than for me, you should have more rights.
I think that's not a particularly ethically well-founded position. Or, to
say it bluntly, it wouldn't appear fair.

> A collaborative, open and free project means, at the very least,
> conforming to the project's requirements, technically and possibly
> socially.

And that means handing over your work to the project without trying to
keep the reins, because that's a defined project requirement.

> But this is only the consequence, and logically not a justification for
> imposing such requirements; which is what you do here, without any valid
> justification.

I don't particularly care about logical arguments justifying why you
should get preferential treatment in this community.

At the end of the day, it's down to an ego thing: Either you can accept
the thought that you give your work out of your hands so that you no
longer control what is done with it, or you can't.


* Thorsten

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