Hi John,

"J. Holden" wrote:

> http://www.stattosoftware.com/flightgear/ksfo_new.png
> Obviously needs some manual clean-up (bridge re-classification for
> instance), but hopefully this is the first step toward better default
> scenery.

It's probably not going to be the first one: Our current Base Package
Scenery has already been built from improved landcover data (by
courtesy of Christian Schmitt), as you can see here:


....  but it looks like yours would be the most significant.

I'd like to note that, despite the fact that Chris did an excllent job,
I had to spend many hours on testing, manually moving individual
vertices and testing again until TerraGear felt like building proper
terrain without crashing and, most notably, without leaving certain
polygons with no material name assigned ....
The result is what we're currently shipping to the user in 'fgdata'

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