Hi Everybody,thank you for all your replies. I have downloaded and compiled 
2.4.0 from the website. I have cloned fgdata on my local machine. Until I 
compile 2.5.0 from git, I am cheating by using the data from 2.4.0 + symlinks 
to the c127p and Instruments-3d folders from fgdata from git. I don't know how 
evil that is, but this is only temporary. 
The good news is that I haven't seen any duplicate work done on the new 
cockpit. There is a new EGT instrument. I will punch a hole in the panel 
geometry for it.
I have a question regarding the amount of ambient light. It seems to have 
changed a lot since 1.9.1. This is particularly obvious when flying towards the 
sun. On my monitor, with a gamma close to 2.2, the panel and the instruments 
are getting hard to read. This will not be a problem with glass cockpits. I 
imagine the sky + skydome illumination model has been modified improve realism 
on the landscape. Please look at this screengrab, and click on the following 
I saw a post by Curtis Olson regarding non-illuminated sides of materials, but 
the Cessna materials "ambient" values don't seem 
Please let me know your comments.ThanksStephan.
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