Hi Peter,

Peter Sadrozinski wrote:

> Have you tried to triangulate the landclass in GRASS yet?  I was wondering
> how well that works compared to triangleJRS.

I have to admit that I never did that myself.
At one of our meetings maybe more than two years ago Ralf presented to
me what later ended up as "v.contri" GRASS module in "terragear-cs". 
It is supposed to be an adaption of exactly the same triangulation as
in "fgfs-construct".  He was able to prove successful triangulation of
a slightly complex airfield layout (something like EDDK), thus we may
assume that it's functional at least in general, but I think he never
threw large maps at it.

> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.exact.html

....  from a certain perspective, this looks like opening yet another
can of worms  ;-)

> I want to finish my fgfs-construct rework before looking into GRASS modules
> again, but I was wondering if we have documentation / sourcecode on how the
> OSM data was imported / converted to shapefiles on the mapserver.

I've been using "osm2pgsql" for years for importing The Planet Dump
into PostGIS and so far I'm quite satisfied.  After the bare import I'm
using a custom script to separate the various road types into distinct
tables/layers, something like:

landcover=> SELECT osm_id, access, admin_level, z_order, way_area, wkb_geometry
landcover-> INTO osm_motorway
landcover-> FROM planet_osm_line
landcover-> WHERE highway LIKE 'motorway%'
landcover-> AND ST_GeometryType(wkb_geometry) LIKE 'ST_LineString';

That way I don't have to query the entire "planet_osm_line" if the user
selects a large scale which doesn't include all the residential roads.
I'd certainly extend this to "SELECT * [...]" if required  ;-)

Well, and for the Scenery building I'm just using this script - see
the bottom for ${ROAD_TYPE} = "OSM":


No Shapefiles at work here.

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