Hi all...

I am sure this worked before, but now I seem unable to 
get the WHOLE metar string from /environment/metar/data...

This is in a perl script, using IO::Socket - in the past 
it worked perfectly ;=))

In the Debug -> Browse Internal Properties I can 'see' 
the whole string like say -
'2011/12/30 17:00\nYSDU 301700Z AUTO 12010KT etc...'

But now my perl script ONLY receives the data before the 
'\n'... using either simple --telnet=5555, which is slow, 
or say --telnet=foo,bar,20,foo,5555,bar, which reduces 
the average access time to less than 0.1 seconds, as the 
FG command...

Of course in the script I have tried setting the socket 
handle to binmode $SOCKET, but this does not help...

As I say this worked before - perhaps months ago - probably 
prior 2.4 release... but I do not remember this '\n' being 
in the string...

I have tried testing if (!eof $SOCKET) and doing a 2nd 
read, $val = <$SOCKET>, but this always blocks! ;=((

It seems either the internal handling of sending of this string 
has changed, and it stops at the '\n', and the balance of the 
string is sent as a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th send, after other 'gets'

That is, if I send 'get /environment/metar/data', receive the 
first part, then follow quickly with some other 'get ...' 
of some other 'properties', it seems the second part 
of the metar is then sent in reply to one of the subsequent 
get requests, which, as you can imagine, can create 
a REAL MESS ;=((

It is simply not predictable in which of the subsequent 'gets' 
where the balance of the string will appear... but it does 
usually appear... and puts all other 'gets' out of order... 

But is 'lost' if I wait several seconds before the next 

And I have no problem with HUNDREDS of other 'gets',
T/F, doubles, strings, provided I do not try to get this 
specific metar string... or if I put a several seconds delay 
after it, before the next get...

Anyway, is this just me, or has the FG telnet code 
changed somehow? Or simply has this '\n' has been added to 
the metar string relatively recently, and telnet 'stumbles' 
on this LF...

Now that I have tried everything I can think of to change 
my perl script handling, setting non-blocking, add delays, etc, 
etc, etc, will also take a look at the FG code, but meantime 
maybe someone can offer some quick pointers...

Help needed...


PS: I have added a simple telnet perl script, chopped from 
my larger script, which should demonstrates the problem...
run with a command say 'localhost 5555', or whatever...

But also maybe perl/telnet experts can point out the error 
in the script ;=() or offer suggestions...

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