Dear  Emmanuel BARANGER,

>First point, when you want to criticize and criticize only, it is best 
>to write correctly. My name is Emmanuel BARANGER.

O.k. I'm sorry for that mistake. And I'm surprised to see that your surname is 
captilized. I didn't know that it is possible in France, so I wasn't aware of 

>6, or 8 airplanes on 203..... It enough that you send free files for 
>replacement. Always wait for others to do is not the answer!

>The interest of free, it is precisely that, normally, instead of be 
>scandalized, just to denigrate people, anyone can modify the data and 
>correct errors. If you are not able to do, so do not come drool on other.

Sorry again, but I thought YOU are are the author and the maintainer. At least 
you created the mentioned aircraft, so I held YOU for being responsible for the 
mentioned aircraft. 

>I explained to you (on forum) that GIT was a place of development. The 
>files referred to are of course just for the present development. It 
>seems that you have cares of understanding and your favorite hobby is 
>the critical. This is not constructive.

First: I'm a User. I have understanding of licences due to many reasons and 
some little understanding how OSS works, but not in creating an aircraft .

So do I have to be a developer to critize? 
Aren't users allowed to critize and make aware of bugs, errors, mistakes done 
with and without intention?
And how can users like me find out how to make remove things like the mentioned 
images, sounds etc.? 
Shoulden't be it enough to say: please  Dear Mr. BARANGER- Please remove the 
mentioned files, as you violating copyrights with?

Second: with pushing your things into GIT and on your homepage you made them 
publicly available. All licences do not care about things being in 
developement- if you take protected things without permission and redistribute 
them, you are infringing the copyrights. 

And as I understood the developement process of FlightGear, all things in 
FGdata (=GIT?) are freezed and and packaged without further modifications, and 
again made publicly available. 

So there is a not so small chance that FGFS-Project can be made responsible for 
violating copyrights by redistributing copyrighted images and sound snapshots 
used in the aircraft available on the FGFS-Official-Downloadpage. And as I 
don't see any Disclaimer on the Download page or anywhere else, that 
FGFS-Project is not responsible for the content they provide,  it could be a 
nice invitation for some lawyers who wants to earn more money. 

>I am really tired of all these people who, instead of acting, prefer 
>disparage, criticize, drooling on the authors etc. ..... It's really 

No, the way critism handled here is pathetic.

As I said, there was no offense meant, but it seems to me you feel yourself 
personaly attacked. Sorry, that's not what I wanted, but making you aware of 
having done mistakes with using the copyrighted things.

With my Aircraft review on the forum I also gave you tips for improving your 
aircraft- a pity that you can't use it. 

Maybe someone others here on the mailing-list can explain the developement 
process of FGFS written in the FGFS-wiki to me again, so I can sure that I said 
above about the developement process is correct.

Kind Regards
Pierre Mueller

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