Am 24.02.12 16:25, schrieb Olivier:
> Hopefully, our form-based PHP scripts will hopefully avoid quite a lot of
> mistakes before uploading. However, I really think - I'm going to do it now,
> that this contribute.php page is not widely known enough. Goind to post it
> again on the newsletter and on the forums.
> Oliver

Just to mention once because I think some people don’t know about: I 
share a small set of resources with official mapserver since some 
months, I have a postgres/postgis server running here too. Of course it 
is not that powerful like the whole mapserver network, it is not a 
complete mirror, but it is enough to run some tests. This infrastructure 
is dedicated to the mapserver and world scenery idea and was a base to 
discuss some ideas with Martin and others.

If someone wants to run some tests (i.e. building webinterfaces etc.), 
needs mirrored tables or whatelse, doors are open. (Martin and me are 
sharing a small set of resources in the area of mapnik/navaids, maybe 
you noted that already on the official mapserver.)

For me it was much easier to develop some new ideas for the mapserver in 
this "private" test environment. And it stays open for other FlightGear 
developers who want to run some tests. Recent apt.dat tables are 
available (810 and 850). Scenery or object tables could be mirrored too, 
if necessary (maybe I need to upgrade to postgresql 9 before).

That’s the free available foss resource I can share at the moment. I 
need the server for my private mapnik geoserver tests, but I am open to 
everyone who needs a small geoserver with all (more or less) recent 
tools installed. Only restriction -> Target World Scenery Project.

Cheers, Yves

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