
I updated my FGFS yesterday and today, after a whole while.
Of course I tried Rembrandt and I'm impressed- finally shadows again!
Rembrandt does work here without any error messages.
(DualCore 2,6 Ghz, 4GB RAM, Nvidea GeForce GTX460)

What I noticed is, that Anti-Aliasing does not work, and the quality of the 
shadows is not good yet, though using the 4096px-size. 
See image [1] below.
Changing shadow size at runtime gives me following error message:
"Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at after 

Sometimes I see some Z-fighting, but can be explained with the strobes/beacon 
What I do like is, that even the cockpit has now self-shadowing- can look great!
See Image [2] below

RAM-Usage looks o.k. to me, not much different as before.

Framerate-Perfomance is different:
With default sceneries, disabled random vegetation and disabled randon objects 
I get between 30-60fps, depending on view and complexity of the aircraft.

With enabled random-vegetation framerates goes down to less than 30-15fps, so 
about the half I got before.
The density of random vegetation is set 1.0.
That's something I did not expected, as the 3d-clouds doesn't show this 

To my surprise some aircraft does not have any problems with random vegetation 
First I thought that if an aircraft has the more faces the more power we need 
to achieve a good frame rate, but looking at the RAH66 from the forum, the B1b 
"Bone" or a converted MSFS-model with about 50000vertices it seems not the case.
On the other side the C337G or the C172p has a quite bad framerate compared 
Maybe face-numbers, number of objects objects or xml's as reason-  I don't 
know, I will test it deeper and provide the numbers here.

The 3d-clouds shows some z-fighting as well, and the draw order seems to be 
broken. See image [3] below

With Rembrandt disabled, some shaders are broken, I already filed a bug-report, 
and work is going on there.

It looks promising, but also still like a long way to go, especially as many 
aircraft and shaders has to be adapted.



still in work: http://www.hoerbird.net/galerie.html
But already done: http://www.hoerbird.net/reisen.html

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