> John wrote:
> How can I append the .tpj files to apt.dat? 

You can export to .dat via File > Export apt.dat (IIRC). You can then merge 
that output into apt.dat. 
Or feed this single-airport .dat directly into TerraGear's genapts to build a 
single airport. Or even combine
all your Ugandesian (?) airports in one .dat file.

> Also what's the best way to get these airports submitted to the database, is 
> the answer still Robin Peel?

Hard one. Robin doesn't accept 810 edits any more (AFAIK). Martin used to 
collect FlightGear edits, but I'm
not sure if he still does. And current developments of TerraGear are made 
towards the 850 format, so 810 
is slowly dying...

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