Hi Thorsten, Keita,

Just out of interest I installed the required 
Windows SDK just to get Dumpchk.exe...

Have put the output at -

But as far as I can see this does not help very much. 
It mainly only advises all the DLLS loaded, and is 
not really a stack trace at all...

Keita, as maybe you saw in my previous post where I installed 
and successfully ran fgfs/fgrun RC3 in my Windows 7 64-bit 
machine... same a/c 777-200... no problems...

I get NONE of the console output you advised. Only 
Warning Electrical System ... ok
loading scenario 'nimitz_demo;
Electrical System ... ok
AFDS System ... check
Brake System... OK

That is all...

Have you successfully run previous versions of fgfs 
in that machine? You saw I mentioned that fgrun had 
used paths to a previous install, which Fred advised 
he has since fixed...

And your console output suggests an older version of 
fgfs, or even fg data... some sort of mis-match... 
your output also includes the above items I show but 
LOTS of other errors I just do not get...

Certainly your Windows Vista 64bit SP1, 4GB RAM, Pentium 
Dual-Core CPU (2.50GHz) and ATI Radeon HD 5450 GPU 
seem very adequate...

But WAIT, you say 64-bit Vista, BUT fgfs/fgrun has 
installed in the 32-bit (legacy) directory...
C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear

Mine would have installed in 
C:\Program Files\FlightGear
but I changed that to -
C:\Program Files\FlightGear-2.8
because I already had 2.6 installed... that is the 
64-bit directory...

Keita, we simple need more details... somehow...

Maybe if you UNINSTALL ALL versions of fgfs, and 
if possible completely remove the directories 
C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear
C:\Program Files\FlightGear
and start with a single fresh install...

You have advise you tried this, but somehow you do 
NOT seem to have a clean install... there seems a 
mixture of versions somehow... 

And if you can manage it I would also remove the 
persistent data folders, like 
or whatever it is in Vista. It is where there 
will be folders like fgrun, ai, Export, files 
like fgrun.prefs, autosave.xml... blow it all 

This is to try to make sure everything starts 

Would like to help you get it running... but do 
not know what else to suggest at this stage...


On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 19:57 +0200, ThorstenB wrote:
> Am 17.07.2012 05:14, schrieb Keita Yokoyama:
> >
> > DUMP FILE and .WER REPORT compressed into single ZIP file:
> > http://www.mediafire.com/?3lwhbrd5dd9wdu7
> It would be helpful if s.o. with a Windows PC could convert this dump 
> into a human (developer :) ) readable stack trace - using "Dumpchk.exe" 
> or something:
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315263
> cheers,
> Thorsten
This is mostly copied from my FG Bug Tracker report:

STEPS FOR ISSUE REPRODUCTION (no precedents to current issue reported)
1. Install FG ver 2.8.0.RC2 or RC3 on Windows. (User uses Vista 64bit
with 4GB
RAM, but 32bit version is force-installed. Computer has run FG
successfully in
the past up to ver 2.6)
2. Start with any aircraft at any airport, with the following

C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\bin\Win32\fgfs.exe
  --fg-root=C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\data
  --fg-scenery=C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\data\Scenery;C:\Program
(x86)\FlightGear\scenery;C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightGear\terrasync

3. Run FGrun and hope FlightGear launches successfully.

FG HAS been uninstalled and reinstalled at least three times, but all
lead to the same result.

EXPECTED Outcome: FlightGear starts up with selected aircraft at
ACTUAL Outcome: FlightGear fails and crashes when splash screen starts
to fade

Dir::children: FindFirstFile failed:C:/Program Files
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26R OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 01  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 10  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAYA 11  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARQ 26  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARR 10  OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'ZULS 27R OM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'EDDB 07  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'EDDB 25  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KIAD 01C MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 08L MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26R MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 01  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KSAV 10  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAED 06  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'PAYA 11  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WADD 27  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WALL 25  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WAOO 10  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WAOP 34  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARJ 09  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARQ 26  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WARR 10  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WIDD 04  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'WIHH 24  MM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KIAD 19C IM'.
Failed to create beacon for unknown runway 'KONT 26L IM'.
Skipping bad material entry params
Dir::children: FindFirstFile failed:C:/Program Files
Failed to tie property /environment/attention to object methods
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg, renam
ed to MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg_0
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg, renam
ed to MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg_1
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg, renam
ed to MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg_2
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg, renam
ed to MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg_3
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg, renam
ed to MetarController:layer:wind-from-heading-deg_4
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:layer:wind-speed-kt,
renamed to Me
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:layer:wind-speed-kt,
renamed to Me
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:layer:wind-speed-kt,
renamed to Me
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:layer:wind-speed-kt,
renamed to Me
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:layer:wind-speed-kt,
renamed to Me
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate, renam
ed to MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate_0
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate, renam
ed to MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate_1
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate, renam
ed to MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate_2
Duplicate autopilot component
MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate, renam
ed to MetarController:clouds:altitude_interpolate_3
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:thickness, renamed
to Metar
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:thickness, renamed
to Metar
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:thickness, renamed
to Metar
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:thickness, renamed
to Metar
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:coverage, renamed
to MetarC
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:coverage, renamed
to MetarC
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:coverage, renamed
to MetarC
Duplicate autopilot component MetarController:clouds:coverage, renamed
to MetarC
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
Animated jetways ... initialized
Warning Electronic System ... ok
loading scenario 'nimitz_demo'
Failed to tie
property /ai[0]/models[0]/carrier[0]/controls[0]/constants[0]/rudd
Failed to tie
property /ai[0]/models[0]/carrier[1]/controls[0]/constants[0]/rudd
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[0]/mp-osi
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[0]/oil-temperature-degf
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[1]/mp-osi
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[1]/oil-temperature-degf
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[2]/fuel-flow-gph
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[2]/rpm
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[2]/mp-osi
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[2]/egt-degf
fgUntie: unknown property /engines/engine[2]/oil-temperature-degf
Electrical System ... ok
AFDS System ... check
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated
GPS: someone accessed a deprecated


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