On 8 Oct 2012, at 07:47, ThorstenB wrote:

> On 7 Oct 2012, at 15:19, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
>> The use-case is to enable or disable particular views if you don't want to
>> have to spend ages cycling through them.
> I also quite like this option. Some a/c also provide many additional 
> custom views. It's handy to just enable the personal favourites.

Okay - I guess since my yoke has a button bound to 'cycle views' I've got used 
to rapidly clicking through.

> Personal taste: I'd keep the views named as "views" and just merge the 
> dialogs.

Yep, definitely gets my vote. One issue might be, since aircraft can define 
custom views, making the dialog a sensible proportion. But I don't believe many 
aircraft define more than an extra 4-5?


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