> One can assume that
> a vec4 varying is no more expensive than a vec3.
> I'm not sure it's useful to think of each component of a varying
> vector as a "varying" i.e., three vec3 varying values use up three
> varying "slots," and so do 3 float varying values

I dunno... 

Just counting the number of operations, mathematically the best case scenario 
for interpolating a general vector across a triangle is in Cartesian 
coordinates where each coordinate interpolates as an independent number, so the 
cost of a vec4 would be the same as the cost for 4 floats. In any other case, 
like curved coordinates or Minkowski space, a Jacobian comes to bite and the 
vector is more expensive than just 4 scalar numbers.

Now, what I don't know if there's some fancy hardware trick which makes a 
Cartesian vec4 as cheap as a float. In this case, we could use this by 
combining every four varying float into one varying vec4 and get the same job 
done for 25% of the cost. But...

... the thing I did try is that in adapting the urban shader to atmospheric 
scattering I ran out of varying slots, I needed two more varying float. I 
solved this by deleting one varying vec3 (the binormal) and computing it as the 
cross product - and that gave me the two slots I needed (and presumably one 
left, but I didn't try that). So this would suggest that indeed each vector 
component counts the same as a varying float.

> One reason to pass this as a varying is that on old hardware, GeForce
> 7 and earlier, it is very expensive to change a uniform that is used
> by a fragment shader. It forces the shader to be recompiled. So, this
> is actually a well-known optimization for old machines.

Okay, I didn't know that... But pretty much all weather and 
environment-dependent stuff (ground haze functions, the wave amplitude for the 
water shader, overcast haze for the skydome,...) makes use of slowly but 
continuously changing uniforms (I think gl_LightSource is technically also a 
uniform), so it doesn't really make sense to have this old machine friendly 
code in one place in the shader but not in other places in the same shader.

> Also, I want to point out that, in your example, lightdir is in the
> local coordinate system of the terrain, if in fact you are shading
> terrain. I would call "world space" the earth-centric coordinate
> system in which the camera orientation is defined.

gl_Vertex is in some coordinate system which I've usually encountered as 'world 
space' in shader texts as opposed to gl_Position which is supposed to contain 
the vertex coordinates in 'eye space'. I realize that gl_Vertex is *not* in the 
global (xyz) coordinates of Flightgear Earth, although I don't know how the two 
relate.  Somehow once in the shader world, z is always up... Just a matter of 

> I don't think that any varyings -- except for the fragment coordinates
> -- are mandatory, except perhaps on very old hardware. 

I remember at least one text claiming that once you use ftransform(), 
gl_FrontColor and gl_BackColor get values as well - but that source or myself 
may be mistaken.


* Thorsten
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