On 10/19/2012 09:05 AM, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> I have two questions to which I'd like to gather a few opinions:
> 1) Emilian pointed out here
> http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=17114&hilit=procedural+texturing&start=30#p165312
> that terrain textures are a fair share of memory consumption and concluded 
> that we shouldn't use multiple choices of textures in the materials file - 
> for instance we assign sand1.png, sand2.png and sand3.png to the same 
> landclass). I don't know what the original rational for this was. It leads to 
> a modest reduction in tiling since the base texture is changed every 10 km or 
> so, but all in all I don't see dramatic visual improvements. It also leads to 
> some more variety in the textures encountered.

Correct, they were introduced to reduce tiling artefacts.

> Both advantages seem increasingly obsolete to me, so I largely agree with 
> Emilian. Procedural texturing allows to suppress tiling much more 
> efficiently, and regional texturing exposes the user to a great variety of 
> different textures in various places of the world.
> Hence my question - are there objections against phasing out the use of 
> multiple textures per landclass in my future modifications of 
> /regions/materials.xml, or are there reasons to keep them I haven't seen? 
> /default/materials.xml will still be left untouched for anyone who prefers 
> the old style.

I see no reason to include multiple options of the same texture if one 
could do just fine. It's just a matter of removing them from the xml 
file (or comment hem out).

I also noticed you effectively removed the need for winter textures, nice!


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