I have made a few changes to the gps-nav tutorial for the b1900d. Mostly typos.

    <name>GPS Navigation</name>
    <description>GPS waypoint navigation how-to</description>


            Make sure aircraft is running... power on.{|.}
            Press power button on the GPS unit{|.}
            <message>Power up the GPS{|.}
            Nav 1 page will display{|.}

            Open Equipment/GPS Settings.{|.}
            Select a waypoint type , and enter the ID.{|.}
            Press DTO.{|.}
            Close the dialog
            Enter waypoint type and ID in the Equipment/GPS dialog.{|.}
            Waypoint ID will appear at the top of the  NAV1 page{|.}
            when active{|.}
<!-- Currently it won't, due to a reported bug. Bug ID 933 -->

            Press the GPS CRS button ON/OFF/ON until GPS heading appears on the HSI{|.}
            Press GPS CRS again{|.}
            GPS heading will display on the HSI when GPS mode enabled.{|.}

            Open Autopilot dialog (F11),and adjust HEADING{|.}
            to match COURSE.{|.}
            and white "TO" arrow appears{|.}
            Adjust HEADING setting.{|.}

            Set your desired cruise altitude{|.}
            For this tutorial , set to 15000 ft{|.}
            Change altitude by clicking on knob{|.}
            Set to 15000 ft{|.}

            Press the "HDG" and "ALTS" buttons on the {|.}
            FlightDirector controller{|.}
            <message>Press HDG and ALTS buttons.Pink command{|.}
            bars will appear on the EADI when modes are armed/{|.}

        Once airborn , gear and flaps up,{|.}
        press the Autopilot "Engage" button on the controller{|.}
        on the pedestal ...(between the seats){|.}
        NOTE: Press the GPS CRS button OFF to return to NAV mode.{|.}
        for ILS / VOR navigation{|.}
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