Am 17.11.2012 22:43, schrieb Stuart Buchanan:
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
>     1. A lack of stress testing.
>     We have a four weeks testing period with release binaries publically
>     available, so I am not sure how to improve that. Do we need more
>     testers? Do we need more time?
> We've already got a fairly extensive lead-in time for the release.  More
> testers on more platforms would seem to be the answer.  Perhaps we
> should advertize for testers of those platforms that aren't adequately
> covered by developers running git?

The main area to improve is to distribute release candidates for all 
platforms earlier - preferably starting immediately after the freeze. 
That would already give us more time for testing - without extending the 
actual freeze period.

As I remember, we were pretty late with the initial distribution of FG 
2.8.0-RCs - especially for Mac (partly due to technical issues and 
partly due to people not being available - for which no one is to be 
blamed for, of course).

We should be in much better shape for the upcoming release - since the 
build automation on Jenkins should be working for all platforms now - 
and nothing about the infrastructure or build system has changed since 
the last release.

How about having a test run a week or two in advance, just to make sure 
we can indeed produce release installers for Win+Mac - and then release 
the first RC on December 17th/18th or 19th ;-) ? Curt, Fred, James? ;-)


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