

The Buccaneer in fgdata has had a terrain clearance radar for many years
now, using just the technique you describe. It's written in C++. It has a
horizontal mode - but I never got it to work satisfactorily at a frame rate
I liked.




From: Stuart Buchanan [] 
Sent: 27 November 2012 13:23
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Implementing realistic radar inside the
Flightgear engine


On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Adrian Musceac wrote:


I've seen a couple of external radar clients for Flightgear being developed
right now.
I think that these days, with the advent of Canvas and other improvements,
should be possible and desirable to have a realistic radar station inside


I recently implemented a vertical terrain clearance radar for the Douglas
A4F Skyhawkd (a4f) using a combination of Canvas and Nasal terrain lookups.
The code is checked into git if you are interested.

My main concern when writing it was minimizing the number of terrain lookups
per radar sweep.  For the vertical mode this is quite straightforward as
I've simplified the sampling to getting the elevation of points every 1nm

I've still to look at the horizontal modes, but I suspect it would need a
Nasal enhancement to perform terrain intersection tests based on a
lat/lon/heading/pitch combination. I haven't looked into how much effort it
would be to add that yet, though I suspect it should be fairly
straightforward given that we already have similar function handling
mouse-clicks for the ufo.


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