Please let me be very clear about a few things. 

This is not about lack of praise or thanks - I'm doing weather and light mainly 
because I like doing it, because I like to see if I can capture the essence of 
a scene I see in real life in shader code. I am passionate and excited about 
that, and I try to share this excitement for instance in the forum. But 
ultimately, my gratification is that I myself can fly into the perfect sunrise.

This is about being a team or not being a team, and my vision of being in a 
team is some amount of mutual support, not that teammates lob rocks into my 

So, for me being in the FG team implies that I consider project needs in 
addition to my own preferences. For instance, I spend some time explaining and 
summarizing devel list discussions to forum users. For instance, I try hard to 
accomodate a release schedule even if it clashes violently with my private 
schedule. I hand my stuff in via GIT merge requests, although I absolutely hate 
dealing with GIT and although it costs me a lot of extra time - because 
TorstenD convinced me that it's better for the rest of the team to see what is 
affected than if I package as tarball. I try to discuss what I'm doing early on 
so that we have the possibility to create some coherence in the project, if 
someone asks for feedback, I usually try to find the time to give it. So for me 
the team is not just a bunch of people with commit rights who work next to each 

But in return, I do expect a few modest things - common fair play in dealing 
with each other, and some help from the experts if needed. 

So, if I'm working on something, someone else is working on a similar thing, 
says 'Send it over, we'll merge yours in.' and I do so, and nothing comes of it 
after 6 months waiting, that's not a problem - we're all volunteers and 
schedules may not work as planned. A simple 'sorry, didn't work out' would be 
nice. My problem starts when the story is later told as 'I can't work with you, 
because you insist in doing things your way.' Because that's a lie, and has 
nothing to do with fair play in the team.

I have no problem with criticism as such (I tend not to take it so well 
initially, but after sleeping over it, I usually can accept that I was wrong). 
I think it's a necessary, though uncomfortable, part of development. I do speak 
up now and then and say my piece about things I consider badly done. I usually 
do this after I've convinced myself that I understand the problem, i.e. after 
working for a week, trying alternative solutions and having found something 
better. I think it's common decency that if we say bad things about other's 
work, we should at least be sure it's justified. What is not fair play is 
armchair criticism which is just taking cheap potshots. Snide remarks at Nasal 
coding, because we know it's bad, right, regardless if any measurable evidence 
says otherwise. Offhand remarks about shader performance. And so on. We get to 
hear a really vast array of that, despite the fact that this is a devel list 
where people should know better. It's so cheap - it costs 10 seconds to write 
down a claim, it may cost a week to disprove it. And if I don't understand a 
problem but have the feeling something is going wrong, then I might as well ask 
a question rather then complaining ahead.

There have been things of late for which, try as I might, I can't find a 
charitable explanation. For instance, I introduced a bug into the urban shader 
when in the aftermath of throwing the binormal out or varyings and replacing it 
with cross products. I didn't notice it, because it's not in my devel branch. 
Emilian notices it, comments on it, traces it to my work comments that he's 
going to send Fred a note, but doesn't tell me a thing, yet when I finally 
notice it, I get to hear 'You did that' immediately. I ask myself - how on 
earth is it in the interest of the project if the one person most likely to be 
able to quickly fix the bug is identified but not notified? I couldn't come up 
with a reasonable explanation, but I can come up with a few less charming ones. 
It's not my idea of teamplay. 

I get to hear comments like 'You can't rely on z being up in shader space' here 
- but when I ask how I should do it alternatively, then all I get is silence. 
What idea of propagating information is this?

I've read my statements with regard to Windows/Linux a few times. Given that 
X-Plane apparently is distributed in a binary edition, the question why we 
don't do it doesn't seem grossly unreasonable to me. Given that I even said 
after being introduced to the Build Server that I take back my remark if that 
is the concept, there's absolutely no reason in my text I can see for ThorstenB 
to paint me here as a petulant user who feels entitled to prime service from a 
volunteer, thinks everyone involved does a bad job and is pissed because he 
can't get what he wants. So whatever the reason may be, that again crossed a 
line from fair play into something less charitable (one might think it was a 
simple misunderstanding, in which a short 'Sorry, I didn't get your meaning 
right' would have been nice, but apparently not).

So, I don't feel entitled to thanks or praise - but I do feel entitled to fair 
play and common decency if this is supposed to be a team. And it's the lack of 
that which makes the Flightgear experience miserable for me. And I have reached 
the point where I no longer see that I should do my share of teamplay if part 
of my team doesn't stick to the rules and the other part stands by and watches 
silently. That's not a team I desperately want to be part of.

* Thorsten
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