hello  developers, developers developers...

And one thing Tonite I realise is that we need to some get more of a "grip"
on the launch settings for FG..

As were running an Aeronautical Simulation company we have a problem.
And these problems are manfest with some .fgrc setting here and an ini
there or whatever..
and mac issues..

And then an end user crashed on start and etc etc..

So being a fanboy, launch on linux and its works etc and launch on WindosxP
Not and alike...

So what I really want is to
1) have a some neutral terrority where we cansutall user fined things and
incontrol of end user.. whatever the age......

We need to basically make all the hack "visible" and the "config" u want..

2) We need a common format.. and for that we use the lowest common
and these are thousand and millions of thise files on windows machines..

BUT main decision we take here is to make it "ini".. works done tested et
all.. (yaml awaits in the utf8 wing)

This is would be cool..
Even an ini file in /foo.bar.skel.inican make sense..

BUT I hasten to AADD.. These are settings and INI and initialiaton and
Havive to windows == 80% of market and by value decreasting..

3) UP the Scale..
We need to share this stuff..
Aand somehow work out and REMOVE all the inricasiez of a platfrom etc..

What is the orginal orde for example.. Suerly a command setting of viz can
be overriden by a metar etc..

Dark runway in Wales..
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