On Wed, 06 Feb 2013 23:12:25 +0000, James wrote in message 

> (Following on from my previous email about Stuart's random-buildings
> commit)
> Many people have observed that FlightGear hits maximum quality in the
> weeks immediately following a release, since we have the maximum
> amount of feedback and testing from users. (And since most people
> don't look at RC builds until the are called final - though at least
> on Mac that's somewhat better this time around).
> Since the Mac release process is now 100% automated, I intend to try
> an experiment - once 2.10.0 is completely done, I'll cherry pick any
> commits I judge to be bug-fixes, or 100% safe improvements (such as
> Stuart's aforementioned fix) to the release branch, to become a
> 2.10.1, and potentially 2.10.2 and so on.
> This is not an official plan, or a formal change to release plan,
> which I think works pretty well - and it's not something I want to
> commit too - I'm just curious what quality level could be achieved
> during the life-time of 2.10.0, by attempting this. If I get it
> completely wrong, and make a mess of the branch, it won't matter
> since we could always re-branch from the 2.10.0 tag.

...or from 2.10.666. ;o)  Go for it! :o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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