
..openrti-0.3 and SG-2.10.0 builds fine, FG-2.10.0 fails here:
[ 96%] Built target UGsmooth
[ 96%] Built target FGAdminUI
Linking CXX executable fgadmin
Fl_Plugin_Manager::load(char const*): error: undefined reference 
to 'dlopen' 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status 
make[2]: *** [utils/fgadmin/src/fgadmin] Error 1 
make[1]: *** [utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeFiles/fgadmin.dir/all] 
Error 2 make: *** [all]
Error 2 [  1%] Built target fgjs
[  1%] Built target js_demo
[  6%] Built target yasim
[ 12%] Built target yasim-proptest
[ 27%] Built target JSBSim
[ 89%] Built target fgfs
[ 89%] Built target metar
[ 89%] Built target terrasync
[ 95%] Built target fgviewer
[ 95%] Built target fgelev
[ 95%] Built target GPSsmooth
[ 95%] Built target MIDGsmooth
[ 96%] Built target UGsmooth
[ 96%] Built target FGAdminUI
Linking CXX executable fgadmin
Fl_Plugin_Manager::load(char const*): error: undefined reference to
'dlopen' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status 
make[2]: *** [utils/fgadmin/src/fgadmin] Error 1 
make[1]: *** [utils/fgadmin/src/CMakeFiles/fgadmin.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2 

..'dpkg -l |grep fltk ' on http://pastie.org/6147410 ,
arnt@celsius:~/FG-git$ dpkg -l |grep fltk |fmt -tu
ii fltk1.1-doc 1.1.10-14 all Fast Light Toolkit - documentation
ii fltk1.3-doc 1.3.0-8 all Fast Light Toolkit - documentation
ii fltk1.3-games 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - example games:
   checkers, sudoku
ii libfltk-cairo1.3:amd64 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - Cairo
   rendering layer support
ii libfltk-forms1.3:amd64 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - Forms
   compatibility layer support
ii libfltk-gl1.3:amd64 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - OpenGL
   rendering support
ii libfltk-images1.3:amd64 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - image
   loading support
ii libfltk1.1:amd64 1.1.10-14 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - shared
libraries rc libfltk1.1-dev 1.1.10-14 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit -
development files ii libfltk1.3:amd64 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit
- main shared library ii libfltk1.3-compat-headers 1.3.0-8 all Fast
Light Toolkit - compatibility header symlinks
ii libfltk1.3-dbg 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - shared libraries
   with debugging symbols
ii libfltk1.3-dev 1.3.0-8 amd64 Fast Light Toolkit - development files
ii python-fltk 1.3.0-1 amd64 Python wrapper for the Fast Light Toolkit
ii python-fltk-dbg 1.3.0-1 amd64 Python wrapper for the Fast Light
   Toolkit - Debugging symbols
ii python-fltk-doc 1.3.0-1 all Documentation for pyFltk

..full FG build log: http://pastie.org/6147206

..diff -u download_and_compile-1.9-6.sh download_and_compile.sh 
on http://pastie.org/6147347 ,  2.8.0-final became 2.10.0. ;o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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