On 14 Feb 2013, at 07:25, Renk Thorsten <thorsten.i.r...@jyu.fi> wrote:

> My goal is to be able to simulate a realistic seasonal change of the terrain 
> by _suitable_ slider adjustments which need to be chosen based on region, 
> vegetation and conditions. My goal is not to make any combination of slider 
> adjustments work everywhere.
> But if there is otherwise general consensus that we should operate FG in such 
> a mode as to prevent unrealistic user input, just let me know, and I remove 
> the environment postprocessing from GIT and keep it in my own devel branch. I 
> am decidedly not keen on feedback along the lines 'Oh, look, if I adjust the 
> sliders like that, it really looks bad!'
> So if climate change affects your region and you believe that vegetation 
> doesn't get all brown, then just do not move the slider all the way. It's as 
> simple as that, and I really shouldn't need to write that here.

Not trying to pick on Thorsten here, but in the general case, this is a 
dangerous approach where end-users are concerned :)

In general, giving users choice is bad. What developers should do, is figure 
out what the user *wanted*, and then do it. Excessive choices / options / 
preferences are a failure to be sufficiently smart, about what the user 
actually wants.

(Here ends the user-experience lecture)

In this specific case, that means there shouldn't be a slider, there should be 
some additional values in a place that can be customised per-region. Since what 
the *user* wants is that in the region they are in, the colours / effect look 
plausible - that's all. Messing around with sliders they don't really 
understand, is not a good thing for them to be doing.

If a *developer* (which, in our case is often conflated with 'user', but that's 
often a mistake that most Linux/open-source projects make in UX design) thinks 
it can be improved for a region, then they make the appropriate XML edits and 
submit them.

Yhis approach is the most complicated to maintain, but also quite easy to 
*support*, because the potential for users to break themselves is limited. 
Giving lots of controls (checkboxes, properties, etc) to users to twiddle is 
easier to maintain, but a nightmare to *support*, as we experienced with the 
original shader management system :)


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