> Following a discussion with Vivian on IRC, it seems it was decided 
to remove the DDS warning message some weeks? months? years? ago. 
Someone could handle it ?
> I admit that using DDS materials and 
DDS aircrafts results in a thousand of warning messages in my console 
and it's really not easy to debug my Nasal code ( print(); ) with all 
these messages.
> Also I'm not convinced that our users are 
interested by this warning message because they can't do anything to 
solve it. (Considering that "decompressing a DDS file is not a "basic 
user action")

Hi all,

I haven't received answer from people about this.
This message is wrote by simgear/scene/model/ModelRegistry.cxx at line 263~265

Switch this message to another log level will be perfect.

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