
Sent: 07 June 2013 12:40
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Hires runway effect

After a fresh pull and recompile today (I've not had much time for FG the
last weeks...) I've noticed that the hires runway effect of ALS appears to
have been partially broken by something - I now see a checkerboard pattern
when I look at runways and taxiways which hasn't been there before. Is
anyone else observing this?

Since I've not done anything for the last weeks, something other than the
shader must have caused this (coordinate mapping? altered normal?). Can
anyone perhaps shed light on this? Unfortunately I still don't have much
time right now for a long investigation :-(

I can't see a problem here with today's pull of fg/sg/fgdata. The tree wind
effect is nice.


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