As a point from a user:
I am getting very worried about this discussion about "every body has
the possibility to setup his own FGCom server disabling the
"guest:guest" account and only accept registered pilot on their

To my knowledge this issue has been discussed for FGFS very extensively
already several times - and it was decided not to do that. For FGCOM I
would be against that even stronger - because with FGCOM we want to
attract more and more users to use the multiplayer environment - I guess
such restrictions will achieve the opposite:

- I myselfe would have problems to open again another (or even many!)
world wide accessible account(s) - with my data stored by unknown people
on unknown servers with unknown security! I guess you all heard about
the current security issues being raised right now worldwide (NAS,
Facebook, etc etc pp)

- and: what would it really help? As described that "bad guy" can always
get a new account - and "bad words" are not as bad as "bad security".

- till now I see FGCOM as the ideal tool for multiplayer because of the
limited range with many realistic frequencies - but still being able to
talk worldwide to anybody! (there is already now a (little) problem
having just two FGCOM servers!

- How shall that work in future? Changing the server for each
multiplayer event? And prior to that investigate which users are
permitted? Or whenever you go to another airport? Or country? How do you
explain the pilots how to do that and when and why? Would'nt it be
easier then just to use e.g. "mumble" (at least there you can change the
group "on the fly" - many users ask us (ATC'S) already now to use that
easy to handle tool instead of the "realistic" but "complicated"
frequency changes in FGCOM!
- etc. -etc

And believe me: Doing ATC at EDDF for 4 days a week with 4h each session
I know that problem of "babies" all the way from "nice kids being unable
to communicate with grown ups" up to using absolutely "abusive
language"! There is only one solution to that: Warn them, then neglect
them, ask all others to neglect them too -- and most important: Do not
even try to discuss with them! Come to EDDF and you will see: It

  Also remember: We have the "Neglect"-button in the "PilotList" - use
that also for FGCOM to "blank any user out you do not want to hear"! And
that decision may be kept for each user himself! And it works within
seconds - just compare that to the needed administrative efforts to get
somebody removed/locked from a server!

  Please - please - do not kill the very positive social aspects of the
multiplayer environment because of a few "misbehaving" people!

Thanks for working on improving the FGCOM - I like it - see how it gets
used more and more on:  -->  EDDF-Triangel

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