On 5/22/07, Nathaniel Homier wrote:
FlightGear uses 90m SRTM data and I assume this is the 3-arcsec SRTM
data. I would like to have the whole world at 1-arcsec SRTM. I tried
to build terragear but the wiki and GPC.README are a bit out of date and
the docs suggest it would take forever to build the world scenery on
anything less than a large cluster. I was hoping that maybe someone
else already did the work for the entire world and has it up some where
for download or for sale on DVD.
It would be awesome if http://cdrom.flightgear.org/ offered a no holds
barred DVD of the scenery for those with the computing power and who
don't want have to figure out Terragear and spends weeks building the
whole planet not to mention windows users.
There are a couple things I can say in reply here. First the 3 arcsec data
is *huge* and in and of itself will overwhelm your system's ability to draw
all that data. We simplify the data ... probably 1000x to make it
renderable. The 1 arcsec data is nice, but again, in order to make it
workable within FlightGear, we would have to simplify it down to about the
resolution we currently have, so the net gain would be minimal, even if you
started with the higher res data set.
The current scenery requires 3 DVD's. A no holds barred DVD (singular)
would have to be lower res than what we have now. If we increase the
resolution substantial, then maybe we are talking about a 6 or 20 DVD set.
That would be very costly and time consuming to produce and distribute!
As computers get faster and capacities increase, we will definitely increase
the resolution and accuracy of the scenery, but I feel that the current
scenery set strikes a pretty good balance between detail, render speed and
size manageabilty.
But I do se habla dinero if offered in sufficient quantities. :-) :-) :-)
Curtis Olson - University of Minnesota - FlightGear Project
http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/ http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
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