--- David Baron wrote:
> > You model the buildings and bridges, I'll add them to the scenery. ;-)
> If I had sensible tools, I might give it a try. I cannot afford to buy ac3d, 
> cannot figure out blender. The ac3d files look like wire-frames with bitmap 
> skins. If there were some unified tool that was suitable, why not.
> However, why reinvent the wheel. Google has Manhattan filled, I mean every 
> building--BTW, not really necessary, the main landmarks are enough for flavor 
> and seat-of-the-pants navigation. Other cities, they are very sparse as we 
> are.
> Actually, several generic shapes with different skins could cover a large 
> percentage of buildings. Again, I need more convenient tools.

We already have generic shapes for skyscrapers in the scenery object database

You can download the set of global models and simply place them inside FG using
the ufo aircraft, sinking them into the scenery so they are the correct height.
You can then output the coordinates as an XML file ready to be submitted back
into the main scenery DB. You should be able to get a pretty good impression of
Manhattan just by using the existing models.

I believe there is a way to use Blender to convert sketch-up files into .ac 
- there were some instructions on the forums. 

I wouldn't hold your breath for someone to write you a simple .ac editor though 
frankly given that Blender exists and is already open-source there isn't likely
to be much enthusiasm for re-inventing that particular wheel. It would be much
more efficient for you to learn Blender and the developer of such a tool to work
on some new feature for FG instead :). 

Blender does take a bit of effort to understand - it took me a couple of days at
least - but it _is_ very powerful, and if you think you might want to create
aircraft models in the future, the investment in time will be well spent.


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