Hi all,

Apologies if this has been discussed lately, I was only following 
flightgear-devel (sort of) but I think this list is more appropriate for 
my question.

I'll be getting my PPL soon, and I'd like to add my local airfields 
(mostly small grass strips near Budapest, Hungary such as LHBS, LHFH and 
LHHH) to Flightgear. Some Googling suggested that I either use Taxidraw 
or Fgsd, the scenery designer. Also some of Terragear's map tools were 
mentioned, but IIRC that was more for adding scenery details.

I tried to build all the above on Linux (Debian unstable) and found that:

- Taxidraw's last release does not compile, as it depends on the 
non-unicode version ov wxGtk, which is no longer available in Debian. I 
tried to hack the source to get it to work, but eventually my limited 
knowledge of C++ has proven insufficient. There might be a newer version 
of Taxidraw in CVS, but Sourceforge has turned off their CVS repo and 
nobody bothered to migrate the repo to subversion or git.

- terragear.org is down, and I do not have any way to grab the sources.

- fgsd depends on flu, the FLTK utility toolkit which itself no longer 
compiles (last version is from 2005 or so). At this point I had to give up.

So, my question would be, does anyone here build scenery for FG, and if 
yes, how? Are these tools still the way to go, and if yes, how do I grab 
working versions of them?

Thanks for your help in advance.


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