Yes, I have an xml file for the freedom2.4 joystick. It is in the path and file 
Input/Joysticks/Logitech/freedom2_4.xml.  I tried your suggestion of editing 
the joystick.xml file, but it appears to just read the same file.

This is the freedom2_4.xml

---- Begin freedom2_4.xml ---
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
* Bindings for Logitech Freeedom2-4 (USB) joystick based on
* Bindings for Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital 3D (USB) joystick.
* Axis 0: ailerons
* Axis 1: elevator
* Axis 2 (slider): throttle
* Axis 3 (twist): rudder
* Axes 6 and 7 (hat): view direction
* Button 0: all brakes
* Button 1: trigger
* Button 2: elevator trim up
* Button 3: flap up
* Button 4: elevator trim down
* Button 5: flap down
* Button 6: right brake only
* Button 7: left brake only
* Button 8: prop coarse (advance)
* Button 9: prop fine (retard)

        <name>Logitech Freedom 2.4</name>
        <name>Logitech Logitech Freedom 2.4</name>
        <name>Logitech Freedom 2.4 USB</name>

                        <squared type="bool">true</squared>

                        <factor type="double">-1.0</factor>
                        <squared type="bool">true</squared>


                        <factor type="double">1.0</factor>

                <desc>View Direction</desc>
                                <step type="double">5.0</step>
                                <step type="double">-5.0</step>

                <desc>View Elevation</desc>
                                <step type="double">5.0</step>
                                <step type="double">-5.0</step>


                        <value type="bool">1</value>
                                <value type="bool">0</value>

                <desc>Elevator trim up</desc>
                <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

                <desc>Elevator trim down</desc>
                <repeatable type="bool">true</repeatable>

                <desc>Flaps down</desc>

                <desc>Flaps up</desc>

                <desc>Left brake</desc>
                        <script>controls.applyBrakes(1, -1)</script>
                                <script>controls.applyBrakes(0, -1)</script>

                <desc>Right brake</desc>
                        <script>controls.applyBrakes(1, 1)</script>
                                <script>controls.applyBrakes(0, 1)</script>

                <desc>Propeller Coarse</desc>
                        <step type="double">0.1</step>
                        <min type="double">-1</min>
                        <max type="double">1</max>

                <desc>Propeller Fine</desc>
                        <step type="double">-0.1</step>
                        <min type="double">-1</min>
                        <max type="double">1</max>
        <!-- -->

---- End freedom2_4.xml ---

I also ran fgjs and created a js0.xml with some interesting results.  Now the 
Aileron, Elevator, and rudder Axes work, but the throttle axis, the cooley hat 
axes and NONE of the buttons do not.  I can send that file separately.

I was looking at some of the other joystick xml files and noticed some tags 
that appear platform specific namely: <unix> <mac> and <windows>

Would this be an issue?

Thanks for your help


On Aug 2,---- Begin freedom2_4.xml ---

2011, at 4:34 AM, Viktor Radnai wrote:

> Bah, now that I've actually read the title of this email chain... Have 
> you got a file called Input/Joysticks/Logitech/freedom2-4.xml, or is it 
> only in git?
> Cheers,
> Vik
> On 08/02/2011 12:54 PM, Viktor Radnai wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Flightgear has a file called joysticks.xml that references the
>> individual jsX.xml files that should be read and processed. I tend to
>> hand-edit these, but that requires some googling and/or experience.
>> Many joysticks have pre-defined xml files bundled with FG at
>> Input/Joystick/<manufacturer>/<product>.xml. If your stick is one of
>> those, then the easiest option by far would be to change joysticks.xml
>> to contain something like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <PropertyList>
>> <js-named include="Input/Joysticks/Saitek/Aviator.xml"/>
>> </PropertyList>
>> (Replace the path with the one appropriate for your joystick)
>> If this does not work for you because your stick is not listed, then you
>> can also look at joysticks.xml to see where js[0].xml would be located,
>> and then edit that. Inside you should find all of your axes and buttons
>> listed, with appropriate mappings.
>> If you send over this file, I can take a look at it to see if I can spot
>> any obvious problems. What stick have you got?
>> Cheers,
>> Vik
>> On 08/02/2011 10:19 AM, Jack Moore wrote:
>>> Greetings all,
>>> I'm a newbie running FG on MacOS X Snow Leopard. When the joystick is
>>> connected, the axes do not respond, but all ten buttons appear to work
>>> fine in FG. The joystick is being recognized in FG. If I go under
>>> Help->Joystick It shows ti correct model, the correct number of
>>> buttons, and the correct number of axes. The button and axis
>>> assignments appear to be assigned as I would expect. If I run js_demo,
>>> the joystick is recognized, the buttons work as expected, and each of
>>> the axes goes through its corresponding values. If I run fgjs, again,
>>> everything appears to be recognized, except the cooley hat axes. When
>>> I exit I get a bus error. The js[0].xml file looks OK though. But I do
>>> not know where to put the js[0].xml file.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> BTW flying with the keyboard is the pits.
>>> Jack
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