I just ported the full FLU 2.14 set of widgets from Jason to fltk 1.3 after 
reading that thread ...

IMO, The FLU Tree browser is still *amazing* today compared to what we've ever 
had in FLTK (1.x + 2.x)

I would be volunteer to integrate a Fl_Tree2 to 1.3 & 3.0 from the Jason's 
version ...


From: Greg Ercolano <>
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:47:03 PM
Subject: Re: [fltk.bugs] [MOD] STR #2795: Fl_Tree: needs to be optimized 
tohandle very large contents (>10000)
Sounds good -- I'd say keep the original email (with headers)
and include it in the repackaged FLU project, along with an
updated COPYING file, and make it a public package on git
or google, and then maintain it for a while so others can
use it again. (Update the link on the fltk links page)

Once it's stable, the FLTK dev team can later evaluate it
for import. Can't say it will happen, but at least the project
will be alive again.

In the mean time, it's a good step if you can revive the project
and takes over its code management, and try to align it to FLTK
coding and doc standards.

On 04/13/12 06:56, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
> Hello !
> I'm looking to update the FLU - FLTK Utility Widgets to work with FLTK
> 1.3 (the latest) and also to use it if I the license can be extended
> to allow static linking as exception to the LGPL (I mean to have the
> same license exeption the FLTK has).
> If what I'm asking is possible  do you have any objection to some of
> the FLU widgets be added to the official FLTK and be maintained there
> ?
> I can also with your permition and the license exception mentioned
> open a project on to publish the actualized FLU.
> Thanks for your attention and great work !
> ---------Reply from Jason Bryan the FLU author-------------
> Hi Domingo
> Go for it. I can't promise the code is neat and tidy and bug-free (I  
> started it more than a decade ago when I was much younger ;) but if it is  
> helpful to you I'm happy to hear it. I created the widgets at a time when  
> fltk and GUI design was much worse than it is today, so some things may  
> not be worth the trouble. But I certainly have no time to spend on it so  
> be my guest.
> Last year in a cleaning/reorganization of my source I uploaded it to  
> sourceforge for posterity so check there too. I'm sure that code is newer  
> than the archive at osc although the internal version may not reflect it.
> Good luck!

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