
I'm using the fltk::browser to build a file explorer which by now successfully 
shows a directory's content including subdirectories.

When an item is clicked, I want to extract its path and thus need to traverse 
its parent items.
In the callback method I receive the clicked item by:
Widget* selected(browser->goto_index(browser->value()));

The directory tree in the browser was build the following way:
1) Directories are added using add_group:
Group* g(browser->add_group(line, &parent));
parent being the Group of the superior directory, proceeded recursively. Level 
0 directories have browser as parent.
2) Files are added using:
browser->add_leaf(line, &parent);

Now calling selected->parent() it's always the browser being returned, no 
matter on which level the item was inserted.
Likewise browser->current_level() always returns 0.

I was hoping to use one of this methods for traversal.
Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?
If this approach doesn't work for me, I cannot think of another way to 
determine which is the current path.

Thanks for any advice.
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