On 13.08.2008, at 15:13, Roman Kantor wrote:

> matthiasm wrote:
>>> inline Fl_Align operator|(Fl_Align lhs, Fl_Align rhs) {
>>>  return static_cast<Fl_Align>(lhs|rhs);
>>> }
> I like that, but your global operator seems to be recursive!
> maybe
> inline Fl_Align operator|(Fl_Align lhs, Fl_Align rhs) {
>    return
> static_cast<Fl_Align>(static_cast<int>(lhs)|static_cast<int>(rhs));
> }

Um, yes, what you said.

As an addition to previous arguments:

I know that type safety does not ensure that a program runs well, and  
of course there is always someone who casts it away. But currently,  
the function "align(uchar a)" needs an explanation. "align(Fl_Align  
a)" is much clearer, and if then in the documentations, "Fl_Align" is  
an (automatic) hot link to the enum, life *will* be easier.

Oh, and the same is true for Fl_Font, Fl_Boxtype, Fl_When, etc.,  
Fl_Event being the exception.


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