Hi all,

I've just started looking at FLTK (like it lots already) and I have been 
reading through the forums.
Four years ago there was discussion about updating the callback mechanism to 
use functors.  It seems to have died off because, obviously, it used templates 
whose support was patchy in places at the time.  I think it is fair to say this 
is no longer true.
Are there any plans to replace the several overloaded "callback" methods with a 

template <typename F> void callback(F& f);

This single m/f could handle being passed pointer to function taking Widget* 
(so is backwards compatible that far) as well as functors.  Using binding it 
also handles calling functions and m/fs with any signature, which makes this 
interface cleaner as well as more powerful.

Just thought it might be worth reigniting this discussion, now that templates 
are widely supported.

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