> On 25.03.2009, at 16:34, Fabien Costantini wrote:
> >>  (1) Get utf-8 support ready.
> > Ok, let's specifiy the _minimum_ features to realize before an RC
> > can be released then.
> > - First, the TODO.utf8 file is just a list a files (to be treated?),
> > should be rename TODO_FILES.utf8 if it is still necessary?
> > - Then a real TODO.utf8 should be updated with a full list of the
> > features to fix/add
> > - Then we should establish which are the priority tasks we want to
> > fix in utf8 for 1.3. (i.e: I doubt it is a good idea to expect
> > adding all langages supports in our next release : couldn't it be
> > made progressively after that  ?)
> IMHO we must bring a clearer line to the UTF8 implementation. I have
> only been following loosely, but the last time I checked, we were
> still missing a definitive set of utf8 functions that can then be used
> to fix Fl_Text_Display and all the other widgets that count
> characters.  Just defining the FLTK UTF8 API would be a huge step
> toward cleaning up.
> Next step would be to remove code duplication and consistently use the
> utf8 functions for *all* string handling.
Sounds great, just added a new TODO.utf8 canvas,
Please fill the minimum tasks to do in this file, so that discussions won't be 
lost in the flow of messages, I added your point as a starter but need your 
help and probably at least Ian's help too for it to be filled.

> >>  (2) Check, which ABI issues should be solved before a FLTK 1.3
> >>      release.
> > The point  may be : what if instead of expecting to release
> > beautiful-complete-abi-stable-proofed-the-one version, we just
> > target smaller/ more manageable/frequent releases (like a new
> > release every year approx.).
> > Then I guess it won't be so terrible to wait for the next ABI
> > change, wouldn't it ?
> Well, this is exactly why I wanted to limit the whole 1.3 list of
> improvements to Doxygen, UTF8, Fl_Tree_Browser and Fl_Table. FLTK 1.4
> can then have as many new ABI changes as required. Somehow though we
> all just dumped our wishes into 1.3 and now have a bug list that is
> longer than the 2.1 bug list. This is hardly helpful.
I feel that just UTF8 and the new documentation is worth the new 1.3 version, 
but we all know that much more has been done so I would vote for dropping the 
Fl_Tree_Browser and Fl_Table for post 1.3.
Honestly, I am afraid that we stilll have a hell of a work to finish with what 
we already started in 1.3 ...

> How in the world was it possible that a 99% stable 1.1.10 ended up in
> a 200+ bugs 1.3 just by adding Unicode support and documentation? And
> there is still no Tree Browser in sight.
Again, you're right here: I think many 'bugs' could just be RFE or could close 
w/o resolution.
Still, we have more bugs than in 1.1, I think also that the new configure 
defaults raise more easily new bugs (I don't know why I think about OSX? <smile 

> Sorry, I hope I am not offending anyone, especially since I have not
> contributed for quite a while. I would really love to get back to
> 1.1.10 stability.
I'll highly second that, please, let's focus more on bugs and have a more 
realistic approach.
> Matthias

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