> Another thing - if we are doing the conversion anyway, should we think
> about converting all the tabs into spaces to "fix" the layout "once and
> for all" and dodge around that fact that I (and I assume others) have
> different tab settings for different projects and keep getting
> confused...!

Well this is the reason for the comment about whether the formatter
should be applied before every check-in. It shouldn't matter whether
you work in spaces only, or 4-space tabs, or 8-space tabs because
the formatter would convert the file to some canonical form.

However, it does mean that we have to learn to live with the formatter
layout: we can't be artistic with lining up arguments in function calls
or getting 'if (a && b || c)' to be aesthetically pleasing where a,b,c
are complex expressions, because the formatter will zap that each time.

I have to say that I've been using Python for some years at work, where
indenting is critical to block structure, rather than just making the
code more readable, and we learnt early on that tabs are a real pain.
Everyone can work with whatever tab setting they want, but all editors
should be set to convert tabs to spaces when saving files...

Would it be possible to set up an svn-commit-hook to reject files
that contain tabs? Or even to run indent...

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